- January 14 (Tuesday):
- Class organisation.
Introduction: the scope of Physics; major fields of Physics; connection to other hard sciences; Physics from the largest to the smallest; scientific method; theory and experiment; importance of math and qualitative measurement. (Chapter 1 and supplementary notes.) - January 16 (Thursday):
- Units and conversion:
importance of units; unit algebra; converting units; metric system; basic and derived units
(supplementary notes).
Accuracy and significant figures: all measurements are approximate; accuracy; precision and significant figures; significant figures of products and ratios; decimal positions of sums and differences (supplementary notes).
Mathematical description of motion: function x(t); formulae and graphs; describing motion in 2D and 3D; average velocity (§2.4). - January 21 (Tuesday):
- Velocity and speed:
units of speed; distance and displacement; vectors and scalars; average speed and average velocity;
instantaneous velocity and its time dependence; algebraic example; graphic analysis;
instantaneous speed (§2.1–2, §2.4).
Acceleration: average acceleration; units; instantaneous acceleration; motion at constant acceleration (§2.3). - January 23 (Thursday):
- Graphing motion:
examples of x(t), v(t), and a(t); signs of velocity and acceleration;
acceleration and velocity on x(t) plot (§2.4).
Motion at constant acceleration: physical examples; x(t) and v(t) for starting from rest; stopping a car; free fall (§2.5). - January 28 (Tuesday):
- No Lecture: the University was closed down.
- January 30 (Thursday):
- Free fall: time to fall (from rest); impact speed; vertical throw with initial velocity;
`hanging time' in basketball; general case (§3.1–3).
Vectors: vector equality; adding vectors; subtracting vectors (Appendix C). - February 4 (Tuesday):
- Vectors: components of vectors; adding and subtracting vectors in
components; converting from magnitude and direction to components
and from components to direction and magnitude; subsequent
displacements; multiplying vectors by scalars;
position, displacement, velocity, and acceleration vectors. (My
Projectile motion: independent horizontal and vertical motions; vector description. (My notes and §3.4.) - February 6 (Thursday):
- Projectile motion: examples; trajectory and aiming; trajectory equation; horizontal range;
θ dependence of the range; high and low trajectories. (§3.4–5.)
Relative motion: different motion for different observers; frames of reference; adding velocities; moving upstream and downstream. (§20.1.) - February 11 (Tuesday):
- Relative motion across the current or wind.(§20.1.)
Forces and motion: ancient notions; intertia; Newton's First Law; Newton's Second Law; net force vector. (§4.1–2.)
Force of gravity; mass versus weight. (§4.3.) - February 13 (Thursday):
- Midterm test #1.
- February 18 (Tuesday):
- Forces and motion: apparent weight in an accelerated frame; weightlessness; inclined plane; Newton's Third Law; force diagrams; examples; friction forces. (§4.3–5)
- February 20 (Thursday):
- Friction forces: static and kinetic friction;
fs≤μsN, fk=μkN;
acceleration or stopping a car; fluid resistance; terminal velocity. (Supplementary notes.)
Circular motion: centripetal acceleration; car on a curving road. (§5.1–2.) - February 25 (Tuesday):
- Circular motion: banking roads; conical pendulum; going over a hill; loop-the-loop (§5.1–2.).
General motion: normal and tangential accelerations.
Ancient astronomy: early notions; Aristotle; Ptolemy and epicycles; early heliocentric models; the parallax problem; Copernicus model. - February 27 (Thursday):
- Kepler Laws:
history of heliocentric system; elliptic orbits (first law); second law of Kepler (equal areas); third law of Kepler
T2∝a3; orbits of satellites (§5.3).
Newton's Universal Gravity: gravity and orbits; Newton's cannon; law of universal gravity; gravity on Earth and other planets; true gravity and apparent weightlessness in space; circular orbits; speed and period for a circular orbit;non-circular and runaway orbits; escape speed(§5.4). - March 4 (Tuesday):
- Planets and satellites: elliptic orbits; escape speed; weightlessness (§5.4).
Mechanical work and power: simple machines and the golden rule of mechanics; mechanical work = force×distance; efficiency; work of forces in different directions; scalar profuct of vectors; mechanical power (§6.1). - March 6 (Thursday):
- Examples of power (§.6.1; kinetic energy (§6.2); gravitational potential energy (§6.3); mechanical energy conservation; pendulum and rollercoaster examples (§6.4).
- March 18 (Tuesday):
- Elastic potential energy; net mechanical energy and its conservation;
non-mechanical energies and universal energy conservation (§6.4).
Momentum and impulse; examples. - March 20 (Thursday):
- Momentum conservation; recoil; collisions; totally inelastic collisions in 1D and 2D; head-on elastic collisions; examples (§7.2–4).
- March 25 (Tuesday):
- Midterm test #2.
- March 27 (Thursday):
- Finished chapter 7: elastic collisions at an angle; rockets.
Torques: lever arm and torque of a force; rotational balance; symmetric and asymetric scales; τ=F×R×sin(φ); examples (§8.2). - April 1 (Tuesday):
- Torques and static equilibrium: center of gravity (center of mass) and the torque of gravity; static equilibrium, balance of forces and balance of torques; examples; stability of static equilibrium.
- April 3 (Thursday):
- Rotational motion: angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular acceleration; speed and accelerations of parts of a rotating body; kinetic energy of rotation; moment of inertia; torque and angular acceleration (§8.1 and §8.3).
- April 8 (Tuesday):
- Work and power of a torque.
Angular momentum: L=I×ω; angular momentum conservation; examples; Kepler's second law; angular momentum and torque are vectors in 3D; right screw rule; gyroscopes; precession; transfer of angular momentum (§8.4–5). - April 10 (Thursday):
- Fluids and Pressure: P=F/A; Pascal's Law for fluids; hydraulic presses; pressure and depth; law of communicating vessels; atmospheric pressure; mercury barometer; absolute and gauge pressures; blood pressure (§9.1–2).
- April 15 (Tuesday):
- Pressure: gauge pressure and manometers; blood pressure; absolute pressure; Boyle's Law for gases (§9.2).
Buoyant forces: origin; Archymedes Law; measuring density by weighing underwater; floating up; baloons; floating at the survace; icebergs; boats; hydrometers (§9.3). - April 17 (Thursday):
- Moving fluids: flow rate and continuity equation; Bernoulli equation; examples; airplane flight; magnus effect and curveballs; viscosity; laminar and turbulent flow (§9.4–5).
- April 22 (Tuesday):
- Temperature: thermal expansion and qualitative changes; temperature scales; absolute temperatures (§10.1).
Gas Laws; kinetic theory of heat and temperature (§10.4). - April 24 (Thursday):
- Midterm test #3.
- April 29 (Tuesday):
- Gas Laws: Dalton law; molecules and mols; the universal gas law (§10.4).
Heat: heat flow, heat capacity, and specific heat; calorimetry; latent heat; heat as a form of energy; first law of thermodynamics (§10.2–3). - May 1 (Thursday): Heat: freezing by boiling; first law of thermodymamics; isothermal and adiabatic processes (§10.2–4).
Second law of thermodynamics: perpetuum mobile of 2 kinds and why they do not work; heat engines; efficiency; car engines; heat pumps and refrigerators; Carnot's reversible cycle; limits on efficiency; entropy (chapter 11).
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