Los 10 mejores experimentos de Física (link)
Simulaciones de Física (link)
Explore y descubra la Física (link)
La clase de Física (link)
Programas de Posgrado en Física y Astronomía en Universidades Norteamericanas (link)
- Powers of Ten (video of 1977 movie).
- Introduction to Physics (5 scanned pages from Mulligan's textbook).
- Accuracy and significant figures: my notes (my notes), 3 scanned pages from Mulligan's textbook.
- Trigonometry Review (by Daria Eiteneer at UC Davis).
- Vectors: my notes, U Oklahoma web tutorial, Physics Classroom web site.
- Projectile motion:
Moving and falling at the same time (Wayne's animation).
Water parabola (wikimedia picture).
E-Cannon (Michale Fowler's appler).
Projectile and its velocity (Walter Fendt applet). - Relative motion:
Different frames of reference (Dr. Hwang's applet).
Adding velocities: Boat in a current (Pascal Renault's applet). Adding velocities: Boat & river (applet from ThePhysicsTeacher site). - Friction and fluid resistance (scanned pages from Sears and Zemansky textbook).
- Planetary motion
(U Tennessee Astronomy web pages):
Old Astronomy: Aristotle's spheres and Ptolemy's epicycles.
Copernican model.
Kepler Laws.
Galileo: Moons of Jupiter and Phases of Venus.
Newton's Law of Gravity. - More pages for Planetary motion:
Aristotle's spheres and Prolemy's epicycles (U North Texas page).
Lunar phases (Dr. Kevin Lee's applet).
Kepler's laws (Hyperphysics page).
Newton's satellite launcher (Dr. Michael Fowler's applet).
Kepler's Laws in action (Dr. Michael Fowler's applet). - Weightlessness on ISS (video).
- Elastic and Inelastic Collisions (my notes).
- Angular motion (my notes).
- Laminar and turbulent flows (video from HRS heat exchangers).
- Work cycle of a gasoline engine (U Leipzig animation).
- Work cycle of a refrigerator (U Washington SL animation).
- Carnot cycle (hyperphysics web page).
- Electric resistivity (Wikipedia article).
- Dot product and cross product or two vectors (Wikipedia articles).
- Ferromagnetism (HyperPhysics article).
- Interference, beats, and standing waves (my notes, printed copies distributed on 10/12).
- Illustrations of EM waves, colors, and vision.
- Illustrations of complex waves: diffraction, interference, and refraction.
- Mirrors and images.
- Refraction and reflection (Walter Fendt applet).
- Explanation of refraction (Walter Fendt applet).
- Ray diagrams and optical devices.
- Early history of atoms (Michael Fowler's web page at UV).
- Timeline of atomic discovery (Lee Buescher's web page).
- Nuclear binding energy (HyperPhysics article).
- Brookhaven National Lab's chart of nuclides.
- Radioactive decay chains (Walter Fendt applet).
- Exponential decay (Walter Fendt applet).
- Chain reaction demo.
- Fission chain reaction.
- Dr. Matzner's notes on Relativity.
- Michelson–Morley Experiment (Wikipedia article).
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